Thursday, February 7, 2008

Online Jacksonville

I'm sure you've noticed the last few years - Jacksonville has gone online.

Whether you're looking for Jaguars tickets, Times Union stories, or DMV information its online. These days you can even update your license and registration or pay certain fines online. Forget the lines at the DMV, just skip them all together! Incidentally, the lines at the Jacksonville DMV aren't as bad as they used to be. Hmm...

Maybe, just maybe, the internet can help make the real world better, too. The flow of information is one of the most important markers for human technological growth and the internet is our latest-greatest achievement in that field. Now, more specific information is available to a global audience faster than books or magazines or fliers can even be designed.

The industry is still in its infancy - a frenzy of independent movers and shakers creating new ways to use the potential of instant communication and search engine optimization technology. Its all about getting connected to the right audience and creating new communities of information and specialization. How does your business fit in?

First Impressions of Google's December Core Update (2020)

It was a little later than expected, but Google has officially rolled out their December Core update for 2020.  While Google is always makin...